Friday, April 24, 2020

I Like Vanilla Cappuccino

Sometime around 2000 +/-, our father was hospitalized at the VA Hospital in Norfolk, VA after eating a variety of shell fish on the Outer Banks of NC.  When my wife and I visited him, my brother asked me if I wanted to leave the room and get a cup of coffee, especially since our father was sleeping.  When we got to the lobby, there was a Starbucks and my brother suggested that I try a Vanilla Cappuccino.  I agree...  and, the rest is history.

I used to drink my coffee black and regular, then I shifted to black and decaf, then I shifted to decaf with  2-teaspoons of Sugar Free Cappuccino Mix.  I also stop at Starbucks but not as much since it is rather expensive (at least for me) and recently McDonald's has been offering Vanilla Cappuccino which is about as pricey as Starbucks.

Yesterday, when I return back to our community from getting my OPDIVO treatment, I decided to reward myself with McD's Vanilla Cappuccino and instead of just getting one, I splurged and purchased 2 cups...

Sometimes, one just has to reward one's self...  but this time it was justified because I had an excellent PET scan report.

Still, I wonder how long these good reports will last.  I don't think about that often but it is always in the back of my mind...  and perhaps, I will never get one and simply die of old age.

Once you get cancer and live for more than another decade and realize this could go on forever, it is important to appreciate EVERYTHING around you and reward yourself every once in a while, simply because it is the right thing to do at the time.

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