Monday, May 4, 2020

Exercise Caution

I remember the day when I could get up in the mornings and after one cup of coffee (sometimes without any coffee at all) would leave my sleeping quarters and briskly walk for 2-3 miles before returning, taking a shower, and heading to the kitchen for breakfast.  Those days are long gone as I quickly found out this morning.

Up at 8:00, several cups of coffee were consumed before taking my thyroid medication at 9:00, prepared and drank more coffee, consumed a pancake with a pineapple topping that I cooked yesterday at 11:00; afterwards I performed my daily routine in the water closet, then mowed the yard which took about an hour.  It was about 1:30 or so that I decided to walk which was almost 6 hours after I ate that one pancake and after halfway through my exercising routine, I started shaking and feeling faint and knew if I did not stop, I would collapse.

Once upstairs, I heated up leftovers in the microwave and 4 minutes later was sitting on the couch eating as quick as I could...  after a couple of minutes my body slowed down and my breathing and fainting sensations subsided.

From now on, I am going to have to make sure that I eat something of substance before I exercise...

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