Saturday, May 2, 2020

Physical Abilities Lessening

At 72 years of age, my physical abilities are not what they used to be and that is understandable but add to that age a heart that has been attacked very severely and a damaged ejection fraction, I suppose that I am lucky to get done what I actually get done outside these days.

I am walking a mile on the treadmill (at 20 minutes/mile) and peddling 40 minutes at a moderately rapid speed and while I am sweaty at the end of that hour, it does not compare with the constant bending over that working outside provides.  I work at a moderate pace for a about 20-30, maybe 40 minutes and then I have to rest for about 5-10 minutes before beginning again.

In the past, that is to say before age 60, I did not have to rest at all...

Ironically, my knee joints are in fairly good shape as are my hip joints as well as my shoulder joints even though previous CT scans have shown substantial arthritis in all three areas...  My body has no doubt adjusted to those impairments which might be one of the reasons why I cannot do as much for as long as I once did.


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