Thursday, May 7, 2020

Most of the time, I wear gloves when I am working outside especially when I am on our 10-year old wooden deck because of potential splinters getting into my fingers...   and, the one time that I had taken my gloves off I was looking through some stored wood under the deck and got a very tiny splinter in my finger.  Like always, I got a pair of clippers and tried to gradually snip a layer or two off with each cut and hopefully one of those snips would contain the tiny splinter...  but apparently, I cut too deeply and my finger started to bleed requiring a bandage.

Three days later my finger was swollen about 25% bigger than its original size and two days after that my wife took one look at it when I was replacing the bandage and said it was infected and that I should go to the clinic which I did...  and returned home with a 10 day supply of antibiotics that I was to take twice a day.

My infection was worse than it should have been because of my very low immune system and because I did not put any Polysporin on the wound from the getgo.  After about 4 days of taking antibiotics the swelling has decreased but my finger is still red and one layer of dead skin has peeled off. 

I should have been more careful given my medical history...

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