Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Middle of December... almost...

I always think of the middle and end of the month as the 15th and 30th because those were the two days of the month that checks were typically written for most of us...   although, some get paid every Friday and some get paid on the last day of the month...  yet, for me...  those were always the exceptions.

Wednesday is also considered to be the middle of the work week and that is true if your work week last only 5 days but for many of us, the work week is at least 6 days and sometimes seven so Wednesday being the middle does not always apply here either.

So, we are left with a day of the week that no one really wants to claim and yet, Wednesdays happen 4 times each month whether we like it or not.

Wednesdays for me marks either the day before I get chemo or the day where I am going to teach a class at night to several evening students, who...  like most other evening students hold full time jobs.

Other than that, Wednesdays usually have become that day of the week where I either start to feel better or start to feel worse, depending upon my various circumstances.  When I was in the hospital, I was beginning to feel better which was also the case when I had to take antibiotics three times a day for 28 days.  However, Wednesdays also represent that day of the week where either the IVIG or the CHEMO has worked its way out of the body leaving me empty and fatigued and looking forward to my next infusion.

If I have not eaten much for a few days prior, Wednesdays are those days where I seem to always eat more than I should have...  maybe to compensate or maybe it is the middle of the week and I have plenty of time to return to my diet.

For the most part, I simply wish that Wednesdays did not exist, especially since it always represents either BEFORE or AFTER...

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