Friday, July 9, 2021

Two Charts Maintained

 I have gotten myself in the habit of maintaining two charts and while these charts are really no longer needed (in my humble opinion), I maintain these charts daily just to keep myself focused and to keep myself from falling back into bad habits.

My two charts are:

  • Weight
  • Calories Eaten

This first chart on weight is easy enough to do because each morning my first order of business is to urinate and while in the bathroom, it is fairly easy to open my wife's closet door and slide the scales out to where I can stand on them.  Once the weight is seen, I walk over to the chart and record it.

Sometimes, my weight varies by a half of a pound and sometimes it varies by a pound or more.  While this is not a significant is helps to keep me focused.  I want to maintain 220 pounds of less, so if I increase to 222, I know to watch what I eat that day.

My second chart is for calories consumed and when I designed the chart, I incorporated and automatic totally at the bottom.  So, it is easy to see how many calories I have consumed and how that total is increasing after each meal.

My goal here is 1,600 calories each day or less.  I also know that if I go over, I can average the intake over each week and get a better understanding of how well or bad that I have done.

only a few months ago my weight was fluctuating around 250 and after spending some time in the hospital due to a Staph Infection, counting my calories initially which caused a weight reduction, and having a colonoscopy, my weight was able to drop 30 pounds...

Now, I really have an incentive to maintain 220...

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