Sunday, May 3, 2020

Healthy Cooking... more or less...

I took 5 serving cups of diced Pineapple (each package contains 4 cups) and I emptied them into a sauce pan to which I added cinnamon, lemon juice, vanilla extract, and a tablespoon of cornstarch...  I cooked them for about an hour on medium heat until the mixture began to thicken...  My idea was to put 2 tablespoons of the mixture on a pancake instead of syrup.  The total calories came to 230 and if I get 10 tablespoons from the mixture, then each tablespoon is only 23 calories...  A buttermilk pancake is 170 calories, so for under 200 calories, I can have a nice breakfast...  or, if I am particularly hunger and eat two pancakes, then my calories for breakfast will still only less less than 400 or 386.

According to the experts and taking into consideration my age and weight, I should be eating between 1500 and 2500 calories each day with the understanding that the more I eat below 2000, the higher the probability that I will lose weight.

If I target 1500 as my meal goal then that allows me 500 calories for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner and can take another 500 calories and use that for SNACKS if I feel the need to eat a little something.  The other issue here is that my daily exercise routine burns about 350 calories and I could subtract that from the totals each day but I have decided not to do that...  using it as a bonus at the end of the month.

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