Sunday, May 3, 2020

Vacationing Soon in Myrtle Beach, SC

My wife and I have rented a CONDO at MYRTLE BEACH, SC for a week at the end of June and
while we both know that by the end of June most every State will have returned to work and our economy will be chugging along trying to get back to where it was before the Pandemic.  And, with that return to work, Americans (at least theoretically) should be relatively safe and no longer wearing face masks when outside.


  • What about us OLD and OLDER people?
  • Should we all of a sudden feel safe?
  • Should we stop wearing face masks?
  • What about OLDER PEOPLE who are being treated for CANCER?
  • Should we feel safe?

As far as the Myrtle Beach Condo is concerned:

  • How do we know how well the maid service cleaned the room?
  • Did she clean our room at the beginning of her
    shift or at the end?
  • Did she clean our room on a Monday or a Friday?

When, if ever, do people like us ever feel safe after experiencing this PANDEMIC?

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