Thursday, December 31, 2020

Good News is Good News Mostly

Good News is always good news I suppose since good news is never misconstrued as bad news and I suppose vice versa is applicable here as well...  but, who in their right mind ever thinks like that???

My visit with my Oncologist was nothing but good news.  All the results from my blood work show improvements in all areas except the number of red blood cells still making me a little anemic and the results from my most recent CT scan show the damn tumor in my lung SHRINKING even though the doctors say it is too early and with a biopsy to define it as cancer.

So, the meds I am taking for my Melanoma, my Opdivo, more than likely were responsible for the results of this shrinking tumor...  which now beg the question:  how did the tumor get here in the first place?  So...  one could probably say will relative confidence that Opdivo KILLS but it does not prevent...  and, I suppose one is just as good as the other...  for  person like me...

Today's infusion of Opdivo marks #40 which in and of itself is a great milestone because many people do not make it past #10 without having some sort of adverse side effects...  but my body tends to tolerate rather well, other that ruining the functionality of my Thyroid that will require medication for the rest of my life

Still...  it was a good day at the doctor's office...  but, there is still this other problem of which we must contend and the Oncologist thinks that I should see a gastrologist since my symptoms are in their area of expertise...  ironically, I am seeing one in a couple of weeks for a colonoscopy but the question is:  do I update the doctor with this new information before or after the procedure?

What an interesting life once one gets beyond 60...

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Morning Reflections

What is rather interesting and as I am fond of saying, at least to me, both of my arms are bruised very little; in fact, what bruises that used to be there are almost gone...  what does this mean?  Well, it means that I have not bumped into anything recently either while walking or when I was doing something else which is typically the case for me.

Tomorrow, we I see my Oncologist after 2 months, at least my arms will appear almost as natural as they can get...  although, it is today that I am taking down the outside Christmas Decorations and there is no telling how clumsy I will be.

I have more than normal to present to my Oncologist this time what with sinus infections, an off and on again bleeding nose, night sweats, day sweats, but this time and unlike previous testimonies I have a loss of appetite along with a loss of taste and smell.

Paying attention to all these little details can be a pain in the ass most of the time and I have stopped sharing with my spouse as I believe she simply got tired of hearing and me fretting about all of the possibilities and what I should do if any of them were to happen...   I suppose that is good for business but not always good for family health.

Still... I am who I am...  and, it is not really my fault if others don't like it...  but, they believe that I should change for them rather than them changing for me...  and, therein lies the reason for our 50% divorce rate in America, including THE BIBLE BELT.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


I am going to see the Oncologist on Thursday along with my monthly infusion of Opdivo, but this visit will be more than the normal routine monthly visit because I will be informed of the CT results and if this lung growth is increasing in size and large enough for a biopsy.  Plus, I will be able to share the most recent systems of my physical health which seems to me to be an indication that something negative or less than positive is going on inside me.

I took a shower this morning and almost took one last night before going to bed because my body odor was horrific...  and the odd thing is about that...  I had taken a shower just that morning and sat around all day not even feeling like I was sweating...  but something was oozing out of me...  and, it wasn't pleasant.

The last time I mentioned that, I was further tested and was put on thyroid medicine...  I wonder it it again needs adjusting?  I was lethargic back them as well as I recall but still had an appetite.  Who knows what the hell is going on inside...   all I know is that something is and I just don't feel good anymore.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Back to Basics

The Link Often Overlooked
Over the holiday season, some of us who are still religious, refer to as Christmas, I ate your typical meals including sweets, always making sure that I ate no more than 2,000 calories, but tried to remain under 1,800 more like around 1,500 and did a pretty good job with with goal but never felt like I was actually starving myself or that I was walking away hungry.

I always get on the scales in the morning after I pee and before I get dressed and while our scales might be off a bit, they are at least consistent with that difference and my weight continues to drop about 1 pound each day although sometimes it will go up a pound or two but always drop back down to where it was before...   I am now at 221.6...   Christmas changed my eating habits a little but before I was averaging between 1,200 and 1,500 but hardly ever over although sometimes under was happening when I really did not feel hungry.

When one thinks about weight loss since March of 2020 until our current time, 9 months later, I have lost a little over 25 pounds, about 30 to be more exact since I started out with a weight of 252...  so, there has been a loss of 30 pound over 9 months or roughly 36 weeks which can be easily calculated to less than a pound a week which is an acceptable plan of action in anyone's book

However, about 10 of those pounds were lost in a period of a week +/- due to a staph infection that had me hospitalized for 6 days which undecidedly gave me the advantage when it came to losing weight even though the experience was one I would not want to repeat anytime soon.

While that seems like an interesting feat to accomplish, I had a little help from my own body because for some reason and without a good explanation (on my end) I have lost my sense of taste along with my appetite and along those two, I seem to be a lot more lethargic than normal which has nothing to do with feeling fatigued...  as instead of feeling tired, I feel like I don't want to do anything at all...  I find myself taking afternoon naps that sometimes last well into the evening when it is time to go to bed again...

My night sweats are back as well but with a very low intensity and there are aches and pains all along my lower back and across my stomach...  but, these do not ache like aches and pains from the flu and seem to be centralized to those two areas as if they are coming from sitting too much or lying too much...  but again, I am no doctor so I cannot say for sure.

I don't feel like I have a temperature although sometimes, I am cold to the point of shivering while at other times, I can lay on the bed without the benefit of sheet or comforter and feel neither heat nor cold as I maintain a comfortable body temperature...  all in the same room with the same temperatures...  seems kind of odd to me but I don't know what it means.

There are no muscle or joint pains in my shoulders, hips, and knees or up and down my backbone which according to all my scans are areas of extreme arthritis; however, sometimes when I reach around my right arm to the left side of my neck and try to wash my back as much as I can, there is discomfort from that joint but that is the only one and that is the only time it hurts.

I can also walk up and down the basement steps without having to breath heavily the second time which is what I just did this afternoon when we were putting up the inside Christmas decorations...  the front yard has yet to be cleared since there is still snow all around all the objects we have out there, even though all our roads except for isolated patches where the sun don't shine are completely clear.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Perils of Cold Weather

Every time it gets to be cold weather here in the valley and we have to turn on our electric heat, my
sinuses rebel like a drunk teenager on prom night...  there are some kind of canal connecting the sinus to the ears and the electric heat, for some reason, causes them to clog up and I loose 10-15% of my hearing and I feel like I need to go to the clinic and get my ears cleaned out.

Yes...  we have a humidifier and no...  it does not help...  and, she's a big beauty of a humidifier holding about a gallon of water that is filled up twice a day...  once in the morning and again in the evening around sunset...  give or take.

My body, like my father's body, has a tendency to sweat at night, so it is difficult for me to say if cancer or the cancer treatments, or just my body is causing it to sweat.  Sometimes, the sweating is heavy sometimes it is not, but it is sufficient for me to need to take a shower each morning.  Cold weather makes it more noticeable especially since I have to get up about 2-3 times at night an pee.

Getting out of the bed sweaty is an interesting experience if you don't mind shivering and getting back into the bed with cold wet sheets is another one...  so, I have learned to put on a bathrobe before returning to bed and because of that extra layer encourages me to sweat even more.

Besides, our bedroom seems to be the coldest place in the house which is great in the humid days of summer but not to good when it is cold...  still, it gets the blood flowing.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Another CT Scan

Last month when I was given the results of a recent PET scan, my Oncologist shared with ne that data that indicated there was a tumor in my lung and while there was nothing about which to be alarmed, he recommended another CT just of that area in about 6 weeks.  My first thought was that nothing to worry about does not reconcile with another CT in 6 weeks, but I said nothing.

Today, I am having that CT and in a way I like CT's because I can eat and drink anything that I want right up to the moment I walk into the scanning room, at least theoretically but I would suspect that once you start drinking that tasteless liquid for a hour prior to the scan, they would prefer that you ingest nothing else into your system.

Depending upon the results of today which I will not know about until the end of the this month, there could be a biopsy performed but nothing was discussed after that...   but there are not really that many options out of do nothing, surgery, and/or treatment.

Lucky me it was caught early...   Strange how the tumor grew so fast in 3 months since my previous scan did not pick it up.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Losing Weight

I will not know for sure how accurate our scales are until the end of this month when I see my Oncologist and have my monthly infusion because whenever I see the doctor, my weight is taken and I believe that their digital scales are more accurate than mine. 

And while my appetite has all but disappeared, my weight is steadily decreasing from one day to the next...   it seems hard for me to believe that this current weight is coming from simply eating right around 1500 calories each day.

It is also odd, at least it seems to me, how my fatigue is off again on again along with a couple of days of flu like symptoms and then it all disappears...  My monthly infusions would not suggest that this behavior is associated since its onset was quite immediate and not gradually, nor would one think that receiving IVIG every other month is often enough to prevent what is happening either.

Kinda like being caught between a rock and a hard place and the only open door that is not quite shut is the CT scan I will be having tomorrow on my upper chest to ascertain if the tumor in my lung is growing and if so, is it big enough to perform a biopsy?  Now that could be the culprit of it all.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Achy Muscles All Over

Weekends always mark the end of a week and the begin of a new week as if one merges seamlessly into the other not just without fail but with too much notice, like the straight line of a cycle.  And, while neither the week nor the weekend means that much to those of us who are retired, this current weekend, ending today marks in my mind at least two days of feeling poorly...  not so much tired or hung over but more like my whole body has been aching whenever I get up and start to move around...  and I sorta wish I had not gotten up at all.

My appetite has been lessening these last couple of months as I have been training myself to eat less at a sitting but eat more often...   aiming for 5-6 times a day or about every 2 hours:  10:00 am, noon, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 6:00 pm and if there is anything going to be eaten at 8:00 pm it can only be fruit and cool whip or right around a 100 calories, but more importantly...  it is a light snack.

However, these last couple of days,. not only have I lost my appetite when every time I eat and regardless of what that might be, my stomach immediately feels upset...  not bloated or nauseas but like there is too much acid and I need saltine crackers or a Pepto bismol tablet.

At my age it is a strange sensation because I am concerned that I might be over-reacting if I say something or if I don't bring it to anyone's attention that I will regret it later.  They say old age is a bitch....  but, in my situation and because my body has already been exposed to more than is normal, I am a little gun shy when it comes to ignoring a "sickly" sensation...  but, I do think that I should give this journey at least one more day.

Friday, December 18, 2020


At the age of 40, I went cold turkey on cigarettes and reduced my consumption of alcohol to just a few glasses of wine on most every holiday...  until I reached the age of 60 when I started my chemo treatments and had to give up all alcohol regardless of the frequency or event.  At 70, I made sure that there were double sheets laying on top of the sheet on the mattress and that a bathrobe was convenient just in case I sweated. 

I also learned that my body could no longer perform the physical activities that it used to perform without resting 30 minutes or so every 60-90 minutes...  and, since my Melanoma had returned twice, my desire to get out into the sun was discouraged unless I was wearing long sleeves plus a lot of sunscreen.  Now, my ability to enjoy my vacations was limited just at the time when I was in a position to take several anytime I wanted.  I had little desire to go anywhere but a warm coastal beach.

But, that was not all of the changes...  my sensitivity to cold and heat worsened and not only did I get colder quicker once the temps went into the 40's but the humidity of the summer without a strong wind made it almost impossible for me to breathe without air conditioning.  Once we got into late fall, the tubes connected my ears to my nose (I think) would fill up with mucus making it difficult for me to hear even when enunciation was clear just not loud enough.

When I was 73 and experienced afib for the first time, I told my Cardiologist that I had felt nothing at all as a warning sign, so now I am on Xarelto and the slightest cut on my face when I save, will bleed for a couple of days and requires two band aids one on top of each other to keep the wound from bleeding.  Those bandages remain for at least another two days.

Not only do I sweat during the night but I sweat all over during the day like a fine mist covering my skin and unless I take a shower everyday, my body odor is horrible.,

My appetite comes and comes as does my sense of smell and taste so when I am eating anything, the food is just food without any kind of taste and if there is a taste associated with what I eat, it is not an enjoyable taste so I am not mentally encouraged to eat a lot.

The fatigue that I experience is sporadic and comes and goes at various times throughout the day whereas before it always arrived at specific or general times on which I could plan and make accommodations but now I just have to wait and see

The bruises on my arms and legs come and go as well, but it does not take much to cause a bruise so I have to be careful all the time with what I am doing.  I balanced a box of cat liter on my left arm so I could pour with my right hand and the next day my left arm had several bruises on it...  even though it hit nothing to cause a bruise to appear.  Sometimes, my arms are covered in bruise tats and I look like a member of a street gang.

This is a little of what I live with everyday...

A Work In Progress

A work-in-progress is a business terms and refers to the raw materials that are in the progress of being improved or having financial value added to them.  Once that value has been added they are referred to a finished goods and are no longer a work-in-progress.

Our lives are works-in-progress as they move from one hour to the next, one day to the next, one week to the next, one month...  one year...  one decade...  and, then finally one lifetime where are bodies are destroyed in some humane fashion and our souls disappear forever.

Our heath, especially when one is sick, are works-in-progress...  and, while some of us improve, others will not and many of us will continue to be works-in-progress for the rest of our natural lives...  always having value being added to us in the terms of treatments and medicines.

But, works-in-progress can damn near be considered anything...  for example:
  • preparing a meal
  • eating a meal
  • painting a room
  • mowing the lawn
  • going to school
  • taking a vacation
  • preparing one's taxes
  • writing a text
  • answering a phone call

We don't think about it very often but works-in-progress are all around us all the time and yesterday when I took my cat to the Vet, our work-in-progress lasted over 90 minutes waiting in the car because the Vets had been interrupted by several emergencies....   and, emergencies always take priority over other works-in-progress no matter how long others might have to wait.

I spent some time last June/July (I cannot remember which month it was) in the ER and my work-in-progress took priority over the others potential patients who were waiting.  I had a staph infection, very low blood pressure, afib, heart and kidney failure...  and, if my arrival had been several minutes later, then there is a very good possibility I would not be alive to write about it.

And...  while that work-in-progress is over, I have other works-in-progress with which the doctors and I must deal on a daily but mostly monthly basis.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Health Reflections 1947 to Present

💨Every other month, I am receiving infusions of IVIG to bolster my immune system from all my cancer treatments.  I am living with a very low white blood cell count and a low red blood cell count that gives me anemia.

💨Every month...   actually, every 4 four weeks (because there are two in December), I receive an infusion of OPDIVO which specifically targets my Melanoma and so far my Melanoma has been kept under check especially after it was exposed to 6 doses of radiation.

💨Everyday, I take two 140 ml capsules of Imbruvica which is designed to keep my non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma under control and so far it has worked...  although, since it is a pill and not an infusion, there is an out-of-pocket cost that is very high and I am receiving a grant from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Foundation to pay for it...  It is somewhere between $1,000 and $3,000 each month extra.

💨Most of the pills that I take daily are totally designed and focused on my heart (8 out of 12) because of a heart attack I suffered back in 2008/2009...  not completely sure...  Instead of a triple bypass, I had my arteries cleaned out and stints inserted (5 all totaled over 3 operations) and after being hospitalized for afib and heart failure, I was told that I would now experience afib for the rest of my life.

💨Everyday, I take a pill for my Thyroid and its regulation because it was damaged by all my cancer treatments over the last decade or so...  the pills are good for 90 days only in case the dosage has to be increased/decreased depending upon special tests performed...  and, when that is all worked out, I will receive them by mail each month or as needed.

💨I receive alternating CT and PET scans every 3 months which my insurance company has authorized to my Oncologist, but there is no correlation made if my Cardiologist or my Urologist orders one.  My last PET scan was CLEAN or showed no metabolic activity however, there was a tumor in my lung that required another CT to be performed in 6 weeks...  and, my insurance did not hesitate since it was targeting another concern.  This scan is schedule for a week from yesterday.

💨Every two years, instead of every 5 or 10 years, I have a colonoscopy because of the numerous polyps that were removed the last time.  I am not sure nor have I been informed that some of my cancer treatments may encourage colon cancer...  but, since that is how I contracted my Melanoma, it is high on my list of concerns.  However, I have been eating a lot of beans and vegetables all the same.

💨I made several recent trips to my Urologist and finally underwent a biopsy and out of 12 areas tested there was only 1 that offered some concern which the Urologist said would be watched but the odds were that nothing would probably happen.

💨I have been to several Orthopedic Doctors about issues with my lower back and that every once in a while I can bend over wrong and when that happens I can hardly stand up or move my body around in bed, to turn from side-to-side.  Exercises can strengthen my back, but my lower back as well as along my spine and in my shoulder joints, I am experiencing more than normal arthritis for a man of my age.

💨While I have never been tested for bipolar disease, my daughter and my mother tested positive and the doctor for my daughter said that in all likelihood I had bipolar disease as well...  I remember when I was 19, I was treated for depression because of the MILITARY DRAFT and the Vietnam War but after several months, I just stopped taking my pills.  Throughout my life, I have experienced lows and highs but I always managed my own condition by keeping it hidden as best as I could.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Middle of December... almost...

I always think of the middle and end of the month as the 15th and 30th because those were the two days of the month that checks were typically written for most of us...   although, some get paid every Friday and some get paid on the last day of the month...  yet, for me...  those were always the exceptions.

Wednesday is also considered to be the middle of the work week and that is true if your work week last only 5 days but for many of us, the work week is at least 6 days and sometimes seven so Wednesday being the middle does not always apply here either.

So, we are left with a day of the week that no one really wants to claim and yet, Wednesdays happen 4 times each month whether we like it or not.

Wednesdays for me marks either the day before I get chemo or the day where I am going to teach a class at night to several evening students, who...  like most other evening students hold full time jobs.

Other than that, Wednesdays usually have become that day of the week where I either start to feel better or start to feel worse, depending upon my various circumstances.  When I was in the hospital, I was beginning to feel better which was also the case when I had to take antibiotics three times a day for 28 days.  However, Wednesdays also represent that day of the week where either the IVIG or the CHEMO has worked its way out of the body leaving me empty and fatigued and looking forward to my next infusion.

If I have not eaten much for a few days prior, Wednesdays are those days where I seem to always eat more than I should have...  maybe to compensate or maybe it is the middle of the week and I have plenty of time to return to my diet.

For the most part, I simply wish that Wednesdays did not exist, especially since it always represents either BEFORE or AFTER...

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Living Until Eighty

As I recall reading in the Bible, God gave us 80 years of life and I am sure that HE assumed that 80 years would be enough to do whatever it is the HE wanted us to do.  Some of us live less that 80 while others live more and if you are in good health, it is reasonable to assume that you will live more...  My mother lived to 95 and almost to 96 six before she passed away with all her children sitting around in her bedroom at the hospice center waiting for it to happen.  When she quit eating, they told us our mother was near the end.

Our father died in a hospital room the day after Thanksgiving with no family at all in his room.  My brother was in NYC.  My sister was at her home.  I was with my mother at their house in Chapel Hill, NC and we were on our way to the hospital that morning...  I had dropped her off at the main entrance to the Hospital and had gone back to shower as she was up much earlier than me that morning...  As I was showering, my sister yelled up at me that he had died before our mother had arrived and she was informed by the nurse once she left the elevator on his floor.

How will I die?
Who will be around?
Will I be alone or with family?

At 73 years of age right now, I am only given 7 years more to get my affairs in order and make all the necessary arrangements.  However, there are no affairs to get in order and no arrangements to be made...  Everything I own will be given to my wife and my body is being donated to medical science. It will be the responsibility of my wife to dispose of all my non financial property as I see no reason why she should keep any of it.

My brother in NYC and I seldom talk and he has informed me that since there is 8 years difference in our age we have nothing in common.

My sister still lives in Chapel Hill, NC with her husband and the families of their 3 children and while she is my sister by blood, we too like my brother and I have nothing in common and she has decided that she will only communicate to me through my wife.

My daughter lives in China and has a productive, wealthy life and lives with her wealthy British boyfriend and has decided not to communicate with me for about 2 years now...  so, I doubt very seriously that she would be too upset once she learned that I was no longer among the living.

My wife and I have no debt.
We own our home and vehicles.
We have no investments other than the Credit Union.
We have just enough money to pay our bills for another 25 years taking my wife to age 93.
My wife has one son who would inherit everything.
Life and Death for us is really all very simple.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Hypochondriac or What...

As I have mentioned before, it was not until the age of 60 that I began my declining health and while I had a very healthy body at age 60 and it has declined, my overall physical health is still pretty good.  Over the weekend, I pruned trees for about a couple of hours and then carried all the cut off limbs across the street to be picked up by our garbage collectors.

However, since I contracted my second cancer and since I have had radiation, and since my age is no longer 60 but 73...  I made the mental decision at 70 to start bringing up what I noticed was bothering me at the risk of being considered a hypochondriac.  As a result of putting that into action, the doctors discovered that my cancer treatment had screwed up my thyroid.

Then, after stopping IVIG because of a national shortage, I was able to start it again but only every other month instead of monthly because I complained of on-going sinus infections and the doctors agreed that my treatments caused that as well.

Over the last several days perhaps 1-2 weeks or more, I have been putting polysporin on a knot on my penis that grew into an abscess and finally broke open but is still leaking.  During this same time, in the mornings when I blow my nose, I notice that there is a lot of blood that comes out which could be another sinus infection.  Then, this past Friday while taking a shower, I spit all sorts of died blood and I kept spitting blood for a couple of hours until I washed out my mouth with hydrogen peroxide 3%.  At first I thought the blood was also from my nose, but there was a spot on my gums.

During the last several weeks I have also notice my nausea returning as well as afternoon fatigue around 4:00/5:00 pm which may not be fatigue at all because it goes away somewhat if I eat a snack...

My concern is that for 28 days, I took antibiotics 3 times a day after being hospitalized for 6 days with a staph infections and could my body be now retaliating or trying to rebalance after being treated like that...  don't know but it is something that I am going to ask my Oncologist at the end of this month when I have my next treatment.

And, isn't is curious how all these infections are clustered together over these last few days.

Friday, December 11, 2020

A Spouse's CT Scan

Today, my wife goes into UT Medical for a CT Scan to see if her Lymphoma Cancer is still in remission as it has been for the last four years and there is a 50/50 chance that it will remain that way so one might say that the odds are in her favor...  although, some people do not believe in odds, nor do they believe in luck as the saying goes, luck favors the prepared.  But luck and the odds also favor the will of God and all those who believe in the teachings of Jesus...   and, if you are not sure what it is that Jesus said or taught about, all his words as they were remembered by Matthew are in RED in most Bibles.

My CT Scan is the week after next and while it is not going to determine if I am in remission, it will provide my Oncologist with a better understanding of the tumor in my lung and if it has grown large enough for me to have a biopsy.  Biopsies are not always those kinds of procedures that one looks forward to unless the results are positive and I suppose that there is a 50/50 chance there as well.

While cancer is not always a function of age, age is always a function that something is going to go wrong with one's body (as it is always just a matter of time) and it is that opportunity that older people always must look forward to.

  • My physical endurance when working outside has been cut in half
  • My ability to walk up the stairs of a cruise ship from bottom to top has been restricted
  • My strength to lift objects above my head without shoulder joint pain is limited
  • My hip joints hurt when I sleep too long on one side
  • My eyes can no longer see the tiny print on a computer screen in dim light
  • My back gets thrown out of whack if I bend over wrong

OLD AGE IS A BITCH MY FRIENDS...  and, it is bound to get worse before I die, since there is little possibility that it will ever get better.

No doubt, my wife's CT Scan will be clean and her cancer remains in remission and each time I look over at her, she has her earphones in and is dancing about as if she really does not give a damn...  we all need to follow her example.

Thursday, December 10, 2020


I have had night sweats all my life and my father had night sweats throughout his entire life as well; however, I do not know if my father's father had them or if his father's father's father had them as well and I am not sure if 4 generations back matters.

My cancers as well as all my cancer treatments cause night sweats to take place as well, so I am not really sure if it is my body or my cancers or my cancers treatment that are causing these night sweats to happen and here recently the night sweats have been intermittent...  and, sometimes they are heavy and sometimes they are light...  and, sometimes they happen just after midnight...  and, sometimes they happen an hour or two before sunrise.

But, whenever they take place, I can never go more than one day out without having to take a shower for obvious reasons...  but, in case you are not following me, my sweating simply STINKS.

The doctors are not really sure what, if anything, there is to do, except ride it out until they happen every night and are excessively heavy.

Fatigue is associated with my cancers and their treatment and also with my Thyroid which the pills have been managing and while my fatigue is not as severe as it once was, it has returned but only in the afternoon, around 3:30 or 4:00 pm...   and, when it hits, I can hardly keep my eyes open but sometimes if I eat an early supper/dinner it will go away...  so, I am not sure if my fatigue is fatigue or just low blood sugars.

Needless to say, life is interesting these days...

in a couple of weeks, I will have a CT Scan to further track and analyze this tumor in my lung...

in a few weeks after that, I will have a COLONOSCOPY (after 2 years since the last one) to see if all the beans and veges I have been eating regularly is actually working. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Handling Pills

Between my Cardiologist, my Oncologist, and my family doctor, I have been blessed with the fact that I need to take 13 pills each day, just to keep myself healthy and my body balanced...  after consulting with these medical experts, it was decided that I take 6 specific pills in the morning and 6 specific pills in the evening, leaving one pill unaccounted for in this analysis...  which is my thyroid pill and has been keep out intentionally so that I will not forget to take it.

My wife purchased me a pill container that holds pills for each day of the week with AM and PM designations.  For some reason, I fill this container up every Friday morning which, in my opinion is neither the beginning or ending of the week and logically makes no sense...  but, for some reason that is how it started.

My thyroid pill is intentionally left out.

These pills remain in the plastic bottle container in which they came and this container is left out on the counter each night so that I will see it each morning when I enter the kitchen.  This pill is taken, without fail, once our three cats are given their morning treat...  after which I make myself my morning coffee.

My pill container is large enough so that I can easily double up with pills if we are going on vacation and planning to be gone more than 7 days...  which is more convenient that taking all those plastic bottles.

The pharmacy that handles my IMBRUVICA cancer pills calls me without fail when I only have one week left to arrange my next shipment and confirm my address.  Either my Supplemental Health Insurance Provider calls me to see if I need to re-order or I can go online and let them know that way when I need a refill.  However, if there are no more refills allowed, then my Provider ALWAYS calls to see if I want them to initiate a call/request to the physician to authorize a new prescription.

All my temporary medicine needs are phoned in to the pharmacy by the physician and I pick them up when it is convenient...

AND...  I would assume that this is exactly how other people handle their prescription requirements although one never knows for sure...  especially when I see all these older people walking around offices holding a bag of plastic medicine bottles in their hands.  I know that doctors ask to see a list of what medicines are being taken but a list can be easily made and carried around instead of a bag of bottles...  so, I never know exactly what is on their minds...

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Creature of Habits -- Sleeping and Whatever...

For the most part, when I go to bed at 9:00 pm, it takes me about an hour or so to fall asleep...  two to three times each night, I wake up needing to urinate.  While this may be a problem with my bladder or prostate, I have ruled both out (even though I am not a Urologist) because of all the liquids I drink during the day.  Each time I wake up during the night, it probably takes me about 15 minutes to return to sleep and since I am up each morning around 8:00 am, I figure I am still getting a full 8 hours sleep each night, even though, it is difficult to get my body going...

Coffee is never my first task of the day, I urinate (AGAIN!!!), weigh myself before getting dressed, give the cats a treat, take my thyroid pill (which is always in its pill container sitting on top of the counter so I will see it each morning as a reminder) fill up their bowls with a little dry food...  and then, make myself 3 cups of coffee that I pour into a YETI.  Each cup has exactly two level spoons of sugar free Cappuccino mix before pouring them into that larger cup.

I then sit down in my recliner after making sure I have my composition notebook (into which I write each day) and my computer...  I start out with my composition notebook on my lap but within seconds our Siamese cat has decided that my lap is where he wants to lie.  I usually write for a half hour or so, mostly just random thoughts, sometimes poems, and then I spend several minutes updating my blogs.  In between, I am making more coffee, urinating, and gentle explaining to the Siamese that I have to get up...  however, when I return, he is sitting there quietly and after I sit down and get settled, back into my lap he climbs...  or actually jumps.

We pretty much stay together, this cat and I, until my wife decides to leave her fortress of solitude and give the cats the wet treat for which they have really been waiting...  and...  once that is eating and their bodies properly cleaned the cats retire to all sorts of points unknown where they will sleep for the best part of the day.

My habits are only disturbed by the side effects of my daily or monthly treatments and I am still not confident that my thyroid is being properly regulated as my fatigue has seemed to returned but not in the capacity that it once was...  however, I am DROP DEAD TIRED each and every afternoon about tea time as the British say and when Americans say it, they are just trying to be clever.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Not Taking Risks

 With the rise in COVID cases all over the US, I am really concerned that I should not go out of the
house at all except for doctors appointments of necessity and treatments.  Before, my wife and I were going out to eat once or twice a month but not now...  and, I was going to the gym even though none of the people in the exercising and weight lifting room were wearing masks but no now...

Since I have been retired for the last 5 years, I don't mind staying at home because I do that a lot now anyway...  but, I'll be damn if I want to get the virus just because I am tired of staying inside.

My health condition is not the best:
  • heart attack
  • heart disease
  • ongoing afib attacks
  • Lymphoma
  • Melanoma
  • No Immunity
  • Anemia
  • Tumor on my Lungs
  • Possible colon issues

I am the kind of senior citizen that would not fair too well if I were to be diagnosed with COVID...  in fact, I could probably kiss my sweet ass goodbye as soon as the diagnosis is made.

Not all old people are as sick as me but there are other old people who are much worse off than me so I can just imagine what all that they might be doing...

Now is not the time for taking RISKS...

Friday, December 4, 2020

I Have Watched Myself Grow Old

Ever since 1990, when I moved to TN from NC at the age of 43, I have been aware of myself physically and mentally rather than via instincts and have, for the last 30 years, watched myself grow old...  older and older each day...  each week...  each month...  each year...  each decade...  and, the aging process is not always that pretty or welcomed.  I lost my closest friend along the way who died of colon cancer in his 60's and my other closest friendship was ended when I decided to have my taxes prepared locally.  Losing friends is not so easy...  and, making new ones is harder than one might expect...  so, for the last 30 years, my friends have been my co-workers and/or the friends that my wife brought into this marriage...  who would not really be my friends any longer if we were ever to divorce...

So...  from age 43-60, there was hardly any aging process at all...  at least none that I could detect.  I was eating healthy, sleeping appropriately, never got sick, never got the flu, and my wife and I were fast walking 5 miles a day around our community (so it was not always flat) and the healthy eating included hardly ever any red meat, no fried foods, minimal sugars and/or sweets, minimal alcohol, and mostly fruits and vegetables...

My blood pressure was low and my cholesterol was low (both the good and the bad) and the only issue that could have bothered me during those 17 years of relative BLISS was the amount of STRESS that I encountered each day.  My career had taken off in that I was working 60+ hour weeks and bring work home on the weekends...  and, it was not because my bosses demanded that amount of time but because I wanted to give it or that I felt like my job needed it as I always went above and beyond.

AT THE AGE OF 60...  my world turned to shit...  not literally but figuratively or metaphorically I suppose would be better because my world of health turned upside down...  I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (SLL) and started treatment in 2008.  In 2009, it was discovered that I had experienced a heart attack while walking on the treadmill and exploratory surgery indicated that I needed a triple bypass.

My LAD (the widow maker) was blocked 100% and two other arteries on the left side of my heart were both blocked 90%.  Instead of having a bypass, I had my arteries cleaned out and stints inserted that took 3 operations in 2009 and 2010.  There procedures were performed at Presbyterian Hospital in NYC.  My Cardiologist said that because I was so damn healthy that my body created its own bypass by created dozens of vessels to transport blood which is what actually saved my life.

In 2012, Melanoma appeared on the bottom of my left foot probably brought by some of the drugs used for my chemo treatments and after being surgically removed reappeared in force in 2017 which resulted in me receiving radiation treatments.  Fatigue and nausea were my daily routine until my doctors discovered that my Thyroid was out of whack due to my chemo treatments.  And, while the fatigue and nausea have almost disappeared, they are lurking just around the corner I fear.

A prostate biopsy in 2020 left me with negative results but a high PSA puts me in a situation where I will be monitored often from now on...  And, because I had several polyps removed in a 2018 colonoscopy, my new routine for that procedure is now every 2 years instead of 5 or 10...  with my next one being scheduled for January 2021.

One would think that this would be enough, but the past July I was admitted to the ER with a Staph infection in my blood and because of afib, heart failure, kidney failure, and a blood pressure of 79/59, I was admitted to the hospital for 6 days.  Now my Cardiologist has informed me that once one has experienced afib, it will be with them for the rest of their lives.

My last PET scan that showed no metabolic activity in either of my cancers revealed that I have a tumor in one of my lungs that is just a few CM's in length (too small to biopsy) and I am scheduled for another CT scan in a couple of weeks to see if it has grown.

Because of all the chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiation my body virtually has no immune system and is experiencing anemia...  so, every other month, I am now receiving an infusion of IVIG which is supposed to help supplement what the treatments have taken away...  but, I am still susceptible to catching almost any other disease...  especially COVID...  and, that scare has kept me in the house unless I have to leave for any doctor's appointment...  but, when I do, I ALWAYS WEAR A MASK...

For 17 years I did everything right and was a model of physical health, exercise, and eating habits, but that made no difference at all...  and, while I am not angry or feel wrong for what I did, I still don't really understand why it happened to me and not someone else...  especially that someone who does not take care of themselves like I did.

Today, except for some major and minor adjustment, I feel pretty good about myself and my health and if you were to see me on the street, you would not suspect that I had a serious heart attack and had been receiving cancer treatments for 13 years.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

My Monthly Infusion of Opdivo

TODAY...  is never that far away even though it only arrives monthly...  and, while I am always prepared for its inevitability...  I am always wishing that some day, I will never have to do this again, but I don't know if that day will ever arrive for me.  Still, my last PET scan showed that there is no metabolic activities with my cancers although the doctors are not sure exactly how much of each I have and would never know unless they opened my up by slicing me down the middle since my cancers are all over my body...  with the understanding (it is believed and perceived) that my Melanoma is only located in my groin area.

Now that I have lost a little weight, I can feel the hard dead cancer tissues when I rub around the area where the groin meets the thigh...  and, it still feels a little weird even though I know the cancer is dead...  still, I would like it to be out of my body but that is not possible since surgery in that area takes a long time to heal and could have many complications.

As always, I will stand in line (actually sit) for my blood to be taken and tested and the results given to my Oncologist before my infusion can begin even though this time I am not scheduled for an office visit.  This process usually takes about an hour.  So, from 7:30 to 8:30 am I will be waiting around playing Solitaire on my phone.  Somewhere between 8:30 and 9:00 my infusion will begin and by 9:30 am =/- I will be back in the car, driving home.

I woke up yesterday at 5:00 am for no reason at all...  other than, my body taking a practice day for getting up early like it had to do today...  it is odd how that happens...  and, while I wonder about it, I never question because it always is what it is and never anything more.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

An Old Letter Found

One of the issues facing most older adults is the obvious fact that as we get older we are going to be in need of more healthcare than ever before...  and, while some will require more than others, it is important that in whatever condition that you find yourself that you keep ACURRATE RECORDS...  which includes but not limited to... correspondence between all doctors and patients.

Today, my wife was looking through her papers and documents not necessarily medical related, looking for a receipt, when she found a letter from one of my doctors and handed it to me.  As I read the letter I realized that I had been laboring under a misconception for several months about when I should have my next colonoscopy.

The letter stated because of several polyps found and removed that his recommendation was that I have a colonoscopy every 2 years...  when I had been thinking every 3 for some reason.  Quite coincidentally, those 2 years will end at the middle of this current month...  and on my calendar I had written myself a note to call at the end of 2020 for 2021 which would have been 3 years...  so, basically and fortunately, I am still within the range of my 2 year limit as he had recommended even though I was planning on pushing out another year.

Even though the medical letter was misfiled...  it was still kept...  and, found in the nick of time...  so, do I have someone looking over my shoulder and taking care of me?


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

A New Month Begins

It is not so strange anymore how fast one month ends and a new one begins or one year, or a decade but each of those pass by far too quickly these days as one gets older and older and tries to act and feel younger and younger to offset the obvious about life.

For the last couple of nights I have had night sweats, not bad, but still needing to return to bed wearing a bathrobe to keep from coming into contact with wet sheet on the top and bottom.  My next infusion of Opdivo is this Thursday and I wonder if that has anything to do with this or not...  but, in my mind there seems to be a connection...  maybe a weak one, but it is still there nonetheless.

My fatigue has returned as well, but not as bad as it was before, but it is also there and obviously present in my mind, especially in the afternoons when I have done nothing to make my body tired and thus incur its rathe and rathe it is and if you have ever felt fatigued then you understand my choice of words.

Of course and life before, it would always be my thyroid that is going haywire and not my physical body at all...  still, my body is old and tired and with the least effort at all, I seem to be developing all sorts of pains and strains in muscles and in my joints:  bending over, or kneeling, or lifting above my head.


All future articles for this blog will appear on my other blog:  JOURNAL FOR DAILY PAGES....  all the internal page links have been switched...